Starlink Outage: Possible Causes and What To Do

About Starlink Outage, On September 13th, 2023, a Starlink outage brought services to a halt. There were tens of thousands of complaints and guessing games on user forums. However, Starlink fixed the issue and restored service in an hour. 

While the causes of such internet outages are unknown, they are not unusual. Causes are usually software or hardware-related, natural mishaps, or satellite interference. 

As a user, you must check if the outage is local using internet services such as online outage maps and DownDetector. 

We investigate viable solutions on how to handle a Starlink outage that lasts. 

Why is my Starlink not working?

There could be a multitude of reasons why your Starlink is not working. 

Perhaps your cables may be past their prime, and they need replacement. 

Your dish could be knocked off its position, and it needs a reset. 

Your bill isn’t paid. Or your equipment is faulty. These are all problems you can solve from your end. 

However, your Starlink may not be working because there’s an outage

Outages are common when you’re dealing with highly mobile satellites hundreds of miles above the Earth. 

An outage affecting the entire Starlink internet service has massive repercussions for residents and businesses that rely on its super speed and low latency for core services. Fortunately, outages are few and far between. 

Is Starlink working everywhere?

As it stands, Starlink is a global service. It works on almost every continent on Earth. That’s why it’s concerning when there is an outage. 

Starlink has become a fast-rising alternative for legacy internet service providers, especially in rural areas. For some users, it is the sole connection between them and the ‘outside.’ 

An outage, however brief in these areas, could make time-sensitive operations more challenging.

Typically, Starlink satellite outages remain unexplained, albeit handled. However, there are some possible reasons why they happen. 

What Causes Starlink Outages?

A router displays a red light during an outage

A router displays a red light during an outage

Starlink outages may be regional or global. The last outage was resolved without any explanation of its cause. However, here are some possible causes of why your Starlink app is showing “OFFLINE” status when it searches for a Starlink signal. 

Solar Storms

In the third quarter of 2022, a solar storm wiped out 49 Starlink satellites.

A solar storm is an astronomical event that raises temperatures and makes the thermosphere incredibly dense. This density creates a drag that takes satellites off course and sends them falling toward Earth. 

Even in the event that the storm doesn’t send the LEO satellites sprawling toward Earth, the immense magnetic field generated from such events destabilizes satellite signals for a long while. 

A massive solar storm could take out a huge number of satellites in one go, making the possibility of a solar storm-linked Starlink outage an ever-looming threat. 

Space X launching V2 laser satellites could increase the likelihood of outages, especially regionally. With the company planning to launch over 40,000 satellites for the Starlink project, there are worries about more outages caused by congestion, collisions, and solar storms. 

Still, Space X maintains they can handle outages. 

Hardware malfunction

Starlink Internet relies on a complex network of hardware, including satellites and ground stations. A breakdown in any of these components can bring the service to its knees. However, the company has monitoring systems to alert technicians and repair teams of any malfunctions. 

Software problems

The intricate network of Starlink hardware relies on software to guide its operations. Glitches in software are expected. Slight bugs could cause delays or outright system failure in the Starlink system. 

For example, a previous Starlink outage was caused by a ground station’s expired security certificates. 

Ensure you keep up with firmware updates for your devices’ smooth operation. 

Satellite interference

Starlink has about 5,500 active satellites in low-earth orbit according to a November 2023 estimate. They orbit the Earth at high speed. Hence, collisions and signal cross-crosses are common occurrences. 

Also, you must remember Starlink is not the sole occupier of space regarding satellites. The sheer number of other satellites in space makes satellite interference a constant possible cause for mostly regional Starlink outages. 

Checking A Starlink Outage

When your Starlink connection goes offline, you might see a notification on your Starlink app. The app displays OFFLINE status when there’s no connection.
At first, you may not know it’s an outage. However, you can narrow it down to an outage if you still have power and your devices are on.

Follow these steps to ensure you have a Starlink satellite internet outage. 

Check Your Dish

Since your dish is the first receiver for all incoming satellite signals, check if it is still mounted in place. It also might be knocked off its ideal direction, causing it to lose signal. 

At the same time, open your app and check whether there are any obstructions that could be messing with the dish’s operational capacity. 

Look for Outage Updates

Starlink user forums and communities react fast to prolonged outages. We recommend you join user communities when you get the Starlink package. 

The next best step is looking at a credible Starlink outage map online. 

An outage map is typically updated 24 hours a day. While some outages go on for a few minutes, others extend for an hour or more. 

Have an online resource such as UpDown Report, where you can report an outage as soon as you notice it. The resource also shows you an updated map with Starlink outages for the past 30 days. 

Alternatively, you can check Ookla’s DownDetector

The Down detector service compiles outages over a 24-hour period. However, it logs only major outages when they surpass the daily average. 

Reset Your Starlink Devices

Before trying last resort options, reset your router

A router reset usually wipes out previous data and gets the service working again. 

Here’s how to power cycle the Starlink router when there’s an outage. 

  • Unplug and plug the router from the power source six times. Each time you unplug, wait about 5 seconds and plug it back in. The six times should be back-to-back. 
  • Open your phone settings and go to WiFi settings. You should see the Starlink WiFi option named STARLINK or STINKY. Connect to it. 
  • Go to the Starlink app. Go to where it says ROUTER NOT CONFIGURED.
  • Set a network name and password.
  • Go back to your phone settings. Find the new network under WiFi settings. 
  • Enter the password and connect to the new network you created. 

Congratulations, you have reset your Starlink router. If the outage persists, it’s time to call in the reinforcement.

Contact Customer Support

When all your troubleshooting attempts prove unsuccessful, submit an inquiry or a complaint to Customer Support. We recommend this method as a last resort when you have constant outages. 

The Starlink customer support process may not be the fastest compared to rival satellite ISPs in the dominant Starlink market, the U.S. 

Users often have to wait up to 72 hours to get responses. However, you can get your query checked out in 24 hours. 

The best way to contact Starlink customer support about outages is through the Starlink app. 

  • Sign in to your Starlink app. 
  • Submit your help request. You must outline the problem. To save time, include specific details about the problem. 

For example, include your area, how often you have had outages, and the average length of time of each outage. Take a picture or screenshot of an outage map. 

  • Wait for a response. Your email will be an essential asset for this purpose. 


Starlink outages are more common than you think. While they can last only briefly, some natural events can take out the Starlink satellites for prolonged periods. So far, Space X has managed to get on top of every Starlink outage and restore service.